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1G Early Ford Alternator 80 Amp External Regulator $470.00

1G Early Ford 80 Amp max -- 55 amp idle (external voltage regulator)
(choose Straight or Offset across ears)
Price includes delivery anywhere in Australia

If you want to keep your vehicle looking stock but need to add some amperage, then go with our high output Ford 1G alternator that has been engineered to give you more power. We have increased the total output of the OEM Ford to 80 or 100 amps (non chrome) and 105 amps (chrome units, straight ear only) so you can have more amperage at idle and you can still use your existing mounts, harness, and regulator.


1G Early Ford 80 Amp max -- 55 amp idle (choose Straight or Offset across ears) Price includes delivery anywhere in Australia If you want to keep your vehicle looking stock but need to add some amperage, then go with our high output Ford 1G alternator that has been engineered to give you more power. We have increased the total output of the OEM Ford to 80 or 100 amps (non chrome) and 105 amps (chrome units, straight ear only) so you can have more amperage at idle and you can still use your existing mounts, harness, and regulator.